Patriot IAQ products improve indoor air quality throughout your home or office by cleaning the air as it passes through the central air (HVAC) system. Patriot IAQ products also improve the efficiency and longevity of your air system by keeping it clean and free of mold.

Complete Solution for Indoor Air Pollution
Airborne contaminants are divided into thirds. Patriot PACs (Polarized Air Cleaners) are effective against particulates, like dust and smoke. Patriot IAQ is proven to safely reduce the other two thirds (Odors/VOCs & Biological) that are inside the air system and throughout the home. Since Patriot IAQ installs directly into the central air system, the air is purified and circulated throughout the whole home, so there is no need for individual room air purifiers! Patriot IAQ™ effectively disintegrates captured contaminants, leaving only harmless water vapor and CO₂ which are released back into the air. This process leaves the carbon cells clean so they never fill up or need to be replaced. The result is clean, odor-free air throughout the home.
Disintegrate these Contaminants in your Home
Dust, Dirt, Dust Mites & Debris, Pet Dander, Pollen, Atmospheric Dust, Smog, Soot, Tobacco Smoke
Cigarette/Cigar/Pipe Smoke, Pet Odors, Cooking Smells, Flooring/Carpets/Upholstery, Paints/Varnishes/Solvents, Cleaning Chemicals, Fuel Oil/Gasoline/Vehicle Exhaust
Viruses, Bacteria, Mold, Allergens
Patriot Carbon UV
Patriot Carbon UV is our most advanced system yet. It Improves indoor air quality by reducing airborne biological contaminants including VIRUSES, BACTERIA, and MOLD in addition to odor-causing (potentially toxic) VOCs. Carbon UV technology is the result of decades of research culminating in scientific advances including germicidal ultraaviolet light, photocatalytic oxidation and antimicrobial nanotechnology.
Nearly all odors are caused by volatile organic compounds or VOCs, and many VOCs, such as formaldehyde and toluene, are known to be toxic. Carbon UV neutralizes VOCs in a process similar to the way catalytic converters work in cars, while the carbon in Carbon UV makes it significantly more effective than similar devices on the market. When VOCs are neutralized their hydrocarbon molecules are reduced to harmless water vapor and carbon dioxide. Depending on placement, the UVC light in Carbon UV will also disinfect the air system interior and coil.
Not all central air systems are the same. Fortunately there’s a Patriot IAQ™ System to fit all of them. For enhanced coil disinfection, consider a Patriot Carbon UV Dual System, which features a second remote UV lamp mounted at the HVAC coil for comprehensive indoor air quality enhancement. Because the Carbon UV unit and the remote UV light are powered by the same power supply the Carbon UV Dual System is more cost-effective than purchasing the two systems separately.
For applications where duct-mounting isn’t practical, Patriot IAQ also offers a magnet-mounted carbon system for installation inside the air system itself.